Hey business owner, I’m sure you’ve been asking yourself “Should I hire a professional for my social media?”
Well, let’s say yes and no. It depends. It depends on quite a few things actually, the main two differentiators being time and personality.
You see, we all have these tasks within our businesses that move the lever for us every day. Some tasks are infinitely rewarding and they’re things that only we can do.
For example, I can’t outsource my blog writing. I just cannot, it’s something that I must do – I also can’t outsource it to Chat GPT, because I’m playing a long game of quality development – not a short game of an SEO spike.
What are your tasks that move the lever for your business every day? Is social media one of them? Are you even good at social media?
If you (a) aren’t that good at it and/or (b) barely even have the time to scrape together one half assed post every 2 weeks, then it may be time to hire some help. And that’s okay! We all need help.
Jon helps me with things every day that I’ve decided I can pass off to him – and every good business owner should learn the art of successful delegation.
The truth is, there are certain things that almost always need to be done in a modern day business, and I’m sorry my friend, but social media is kind of one of them.
Not to fear, though. Just start small. I mean, my oldest client – the construction company – we started with one video, and then another. And then some photos and then a few more videos.
By the time we were about 7 or 8 months into working together, I just said “Hey man. You suck at posting stuff. Just let me do it.”
And you know what? He was paying me to do the videos already – I did the posting for free so he could see if he liked it. Maybe you’ll find someone who is into proving themselves first, too.
But even if you don’t, it’s always worth it. I mean, how much is your time worth? If who you hire is good at what they do – you’ll be (a) enjoying the obvious benefits of regular social posting, (b) you’ll get a lot of your time back and, **bonus (c) you’ll lose the guilt from not posting when you know you should be.
Now, social media managers come in all shapes and sizes. Some just take your content, organize it – do the copy and hashtags and post it, some just do the creative and some are a full service house – just hand over your passwords and we’ll take care of it.
You’re going to work with a company or freelancer who gives you what you need. Look for what you want, speak your mind and good luck on the hunt.
If you come back empty handed, feel free to reach out for a chat – much like with my longest running client, I’m still always happy to help.
To Your Success,
Jay Ashcroft
four32 MEDIA