Your business is your passion. It’s your interest, your money-maker and your lifeblood. So, how do you stay on track – to make sure that you don’t lose yourself – your identity – in the process of growth and expansion?
Let’s talk about how to be original – in a world of cookie cutter homes and get rich quick schemes.
Ah, yes. Human beings. We’re funny little creatures of habit, and we’re copy cats. We’re keeping up with the Jonses and most of the time we don’t even know it.
Sometimes in business, we sell ourselves short of our full potential. We need to know how to spot the signs, correct our course – and move forward in the right direction.
So here’s how to do so – be original. This ties into a concept that I’ve adopted called creativity vs competition. I urge you to be creative, and here’s why.
Anyone can compete. That’s why we watch sports teams and pay attention to the stock market. Figure out a key percentage of calculations to make and you can be a competitor. But it’s not sustainable.
Because the next guy is going to come along next year who’s going to blow you out of the water. He’ll work harder and longer, and he’ll come out on top.
But something the “competition” doesn’t have is your unique set of soft skills and life experiences. No two people are exactly alike. Each and every thing that has ever happened to you has made you, you.
So, lean into that – and be original.
Are you developing a new marketing strategy for your business? Great – but if you’re looking at what the shop just like yours down the street is doing, and then you’re mirroring that – stop yourself.
Take a moment to breathe, and think rationally. Where is the glory in that? How successful and sustainable can it really be?
Let’s be inventive and look to our own sets of inspiration and draw from the energies that affect us every day.
So, this is what you do. Ingest information. As a business owner, you are a creator. And creators live in seasons of input and output. So, we’ll call the output the marketing strategy, and the input the information that inspires you to build out specific messaging and directions in your campaigns.
Now, what kind of information do you ingest? Whatever the Hell you want. Watch movies, read books, attend seminars and listen to audiobooks.
Watch YouTube and scroll through Instagram. Get inspired and then start writing.
Write every single morning, and then let what you write become your marketing material.
See what I’m doing here? This thing you’re reading – it all began in the same way. And it is the core of my marketing.
My marketing process includes doing the work itself for clients, learning and getting inspired along the way, absorbing some more external information in the form of books, movies, YouTube videos, Instagram posts and life experiences – and then packaging that information up into digestible content to share on the internet.
No matter what industry you’re in, you can do the same.
Need a hand with it? Then hire us, or better yet – train a member of your team to do it for you. Instill your goals, dreams and desires into that individual and then let them create original content to sell your products and services.
Remember, be original and don’t forget to absorb, create and repeat.
To Your Success,
Jay Ashcroft
four32 MEDIA