Throughout the lifespan of a business, this will happen time and time again. Change comes, we adapt and regroup – dive back in and repeat the process. And it’s something we can get more and more strategic with.
You see, I’m constantly thinking about evolving as a business, and reminding myself that the thing that got me from 0 to 1 will not get me from 1 to 2, and from 2 to 3 and on and on.
There are certainly things that we need to learn and carry along with us to the next level – but we all need to understand that we can’t simply repeat the same modes of doing business over and over again, expecting ourselves to expand and scale.
So in my business for example, it started with some free one-off videos. They were what I would call promo videos. I kept doing these for a number of months until they all became paid gigs, and then it became clear that I needed to do more.
These evolved into offering photo + video packages. It then evolved into looping in social media management and some more strategy.
From there, it became about learning new skills like design for print and web design/maintenance. This meant working with subcontractors and learning more for myself.
It then evolved into getting really strategic and specific with outcomes for my clients. It became about the why – the intention behind the content itself. Are we making this video for hiring?
Or do we want this to live on the contact page as a testimonial to give potential clients that one last push?
Sometimes we’ll run Facebook Ads or push contests for clients. Regardless, there is now always intent.
As I move into a new phase and segment of my business, yet again – I’m focusing on my own marketing efforts – something that’s entirely new. For the first several years of doing business, I have been pretty loose with it.
My marketing included little more than creating things for people – usually via word of mouth, and then sharing the work online as portfolio pieces. This was my marketing. This works, for sure. Especially for my business model.
Unfortunately what continued to happen was that I was working with businesses and individuals that I didn’t resonate with. There was no organization in my marketing strategy, and as such – no real indicators of the types of clients who were coming across my desk.
Now, it is my intention with these blogs to speak to the people that I want to serve. That is all. By writing honestly, and then filming it and sharing both videos as well as blogs about myself and my business – I’m able to attract opportunities to this business that resonate with my core beliefs.
Now, how are you evolving? I’m not talking specifically about marketing here. With me, it’s challenging. Because the very thing that I do serves as marketing material. But for you – maybe you’re a dog groomer, or a construction company or an arborist.
How are you going to differentiate yourself from past versions of your business? How are you going to level up? This could include purchasing a new piece of equipment so you can offer a new service.
It could mean hiring an operations manager so you can deal with the big picture more. It could mean moving to a new building to accommodate your growing team.
Whatever the case may be, change is good. It’s necessary for any business, and we all need to remember to learn and incorporate new ways of doing business, with the changing of every season.
If your business is going through a change and you could use a hand in any way – reach out today.
To Your Success,
Jay Ashcroft
four32 MEDIA